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A letter to the global partners of Ferrotec (China)

Dear global partners of Ferrotec (China) :

    A novel coronavirus infection outbreak suddenly came into being at the beginning of 2020. At this moment, the people of China and even the world are actively responding to the call for epidemic prevention and control, and contributing their strength to win this crucial battle. Ferrotec (China) would like to extend its highest respect to you!

    China's novel coronavirus group is closely following the epidemic situation and strictly implements the deployment of the Central Committee and the State Council for the prevention and control of the new coronavirus infection, and actively implements and takes the initiative according to the first level response requirements of public emergencies, in order to fight against epidemic prevention and control and fight against the disease, safeguard public safety and health of employees and protect the vital interests of customers and partners. Ferrotec takes the social responsibility and is acting!

  1. Timely establish "epidemic emergency response management committee" and make prevention and control deployment

    Since the outbreak was reported, Ferrotec (China)  has responded quickly and established "Ferrotec (China) emergency response management committee" on January 21. Each department shall perform its own duties and implement the system of the first person in charge of epidemic prevention and control. The first stage of protective measures and personal preventive measures reference are formulated, and medical equipment and protective articles such as ear temperature gun, mask, disinfectant are purchased intensively,to prevent the novel coronavirus from spreading within the jurisdiction and ensure the health of all staff members.At the same time, the "ncov-01 order", "ncov-02 order", "ncov-03 order" and other notices on epidemic prevention and control have been issued successively, and the daily mechanism for epidemic prevention and control has been rapidly established, the personnel situation of the company has been comprehensively sorted and investigated, and the joint prevention and control measures have been fully implemented.

    2. Comprehensively implement epidemic prevention and control measures to ensure the safety of employees

    Ferrotec (China)  is now fully implementing the epidemic prevention and control measures in all factories and production workshops, so as to reduce the risk of infection due to personnel aggregation; Employees shall wear masks when entering the factory and take temperature measurement at least 3 times a day. Hubei employees and relevant personnel in contact with them are strictly prohibited from going to work and must be isolated for 14 days to be inspected; At the same time, in order to ensure the safety of on-the-job employees during the Spring Festival, the leading groups of epidemic prevention and control implemented strict disinfection and other protective measures for the group buses, factory gates, offices, canteens and restaurants, so that employees can work safely and go home safely; Secondly, the group has also made appropriate management in terms of employees' ideological dynamics to prevent all kinds of ideological fluctuations during the epidemic. Due to proper prevention and control, more than 1000 employees of Ferrotec (China) group have no confirmed cases, no suspected cases and all in good physical and mental health.

    3. Strengthen response mechanism and provide timely products and services

    The sudden outbreak of the epidemic has brought impact and risk to the business of the group. According to the requirements of the emergency response management committee, Ferrotec (China)  is now fully implementing the epidemic prevention and control measures, and in accordance with the spirit of national and local government documents, it is also fully preparing for production and returning to work from February 10. In the face of opportunities and challenges, Ferrotec (China)  always insists on taking customers as the center, making overall arrangements for all work in case of emergency, ensuring timely supply of products, normal logistics and delivery, quality and safety assurance, maintaining normal and orderly development of all businesses. In order to maintain production capacity, Ferrotec (China)  has arranged overtime arrangements before the Spring Festival to ensure continuous production, timely supply and stable personnel;  0n this basis, in order to ensure production safety after the festival, the group has also taken certain measures on the production site, such as disinfection of special areas, it is necessary to adhere to quality first and ensure product delivery according to environmental requirements, such as flammability, gas control, humidity control, gas control, etc; Secondly, under the condition of complying with the government's requirements for resumption of work, the group has implemented the work form of "home office + department duty" after the end of the Spring Festival holiday, keeping close communication with everyone through local rotation, remote conference, video phone and other forms, and will try its best to restore the full production status according to the requirements of the government.

    4. Make concerted efforts to deal with the disease scientifically and win the battle of epidemic prevention

    Life is more important than everything, and responsibility is more important than everything. We believe that, with concerted efforts ,we will effectively take all kinds of protective measures, strengthen joint prevention and control, and build a tight defense line against the epidemic. With the joint efforts of you and Ferrotec (China) group, we will be able to overcome the epidemic! Here, we call on everyone to wear masks, wash hands, take body temperature, disinfect frequently, gather less, ventilate frequently, refuse game, do not meet, discover early, report early, isolate early and treat early.

    The epidemic will be conquered. Let's wait for the blooming flowers in spring!

    Thank you for your long-term trust and cooperation, and sincerely wish you good health and happy family!

Chairman of Ferrotec (China):He xianhan

February 9, 2020